Thursday, March 11, 2021

N. 66: P. Magrini, A. Bordoni & C. Onnis

G. it. Ent., 16 (66): 285-322

March 2021

Atlante fotografico degli edeagi ed aggiornamento sistematico

delle specie di Sardegna appartenenti al

genere Scotonomus Fauvel, 1873,

con descrizione di un nuovo taxon e note sinonimiche

 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae)



Abstract - Photographic atlas of the aedeagi and systematic updating of the species of Sardinia belonging to the genus Scotonomus Fauvel, 1873, with description of a new taxon and synonymic notes (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) - In this note we provide photographic images of the male genitalia of all the taxa known for Sardinia belonging to the genus Scotonomus Fauvel, 1873, the only ones we think able to give a certain diagnosis of the species. This work follows the revision of the Sardinian species by BORDONI, FANCELLO & LEO (2012), after which further 4 taxa were described (LEO, DEGIOVANNI & FANCELLO, 2013; BORDONI & FANCELLO, 2014; MAGRINI & BORDONI, 2019). Preceding works, excluding the last, used b/w drawings as images; present color photos are more exhaustive regarding the diagnosis of species, and allow a more precise revision of the genus, with its division into groups of species. Moreover, the following new synonymies are proposed: Scotonomus onnisi Magrini & Bordoni, 2019 = Scotonomus baroniae Bordoni, Fancello & Leo, 2012; Scotonomus fauveli Bordoni, Fancello & Leo, 2012  =  Scotonomus binaghii Coiffait, 1982. Scotonomus lulensis Bordoni, Fancello & Leo, 2012 is considered subspecies of Scotonomus magrinii Bordoni, 2006, stat. nov. A new species - Scotonomus fancelloi n. sp. - is described from Sant’Anna di Lodè (Lodè, Baronie), Sardinia. A new key to species, updated with respect to the one published in BORDONI et al. (2012), and based on the sole aedeagal morphology, is also given.