Thursday, March 11, 2021

N. 66: P. Leo, P. Garagnani & G. Sabatinelli

G. it. Ent., 16 (66): 211-230

March 2021

Le Anoxia italiane del sottogenere Mesanoxia Medvedev, 1951:

considerazioni tassonomiche

e descrizione di una nuova specie di Sardegna e Corsica

(Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae)



Abstract - The Italian Anoxia of the subgenus Mesanoxia Medvedev, 1951: taxonomic remarks and description of a new species from Sardinia and Corsica (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) - About 2400 specimens, mainly Italian, of the genus Anoxia Laporte, 1832, subgenus Mesanoxia Medvedev, 1951, were studied. The following systematic changes are proposed: Anoxia (Mesanoxia) matutinalis corsicana Sabatinelli, 1976 is a junior synonym of Anoxia matutinalis matutinalis Laporte, 1832; Anoxia matutinalis thumseri Guerlach, 2011 is a junior synonym of Anoxia hirta Reitter, 1890; Anoxia moltonii Sabatinelli, 1976 and A. sardoa Motschulsky, 1860 are upgraded to species rank; Anoxia (Mesanoxia) noctuabunda n. sp. is described from north-eastern Sardinia (loc. typ.: Telti) and southern Corsica. Lastly, Anoxia hirta, doubtfully originally described from Greece, is considered en endemism of western Sardinia.