Wednesday, March 21, 2018

N. 63: L. Milani

G. it. Ent., 15 (63): 75-94
March 2018

Sinopsi del bonum genus Minisiderus Endrödi,
differenze con il genere Brachysiderus Waterhouse
e descrizione di Minisiderus elyanae Dechambre femmina
(Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae, Agaocephalini)



Abstract - Synopsis of Minisiderus Endrödi bonum genus, differences from the genus Brachysiderus Waterhouse, and description of Minisiderus elyanae Dechambre female (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae, Agaocephalini) - The genus Brachysiderus - Dynastinae, Tribe III - Agaocephalini - was established by C. O. Waterhouse in 1881. In 1970 Endrödi briefly described its subgenus Minisiderus, based on major morphological and morphometric differences. These differences, supported also by the finding of 5 further species since 1970, allow to upgrade the subgenus Minisiderus of Brachysiderus to the rank of full genus. The parameres of the aedeagus of each of the 10 species belonging to the genera Brachysiderus (1) and Minisiderus (9), drawn from photo enlargements or taken from literature, are illustrated. The female of Minisiderus elyanae Dechambre is also described and illustrated for the first time.