Thursday, March 7, 2019

N. 64: L. Milani

G. it. Ent., 15 (64): 561-590
March 2019

Descrizione morfologica e morfometrica comparata
di due coppie di rari ibridi F1 artificiali da parentali di specie appartenenti al genere Dynastes MacLeay
(Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae, Dynastini)



Abstract - Comparative morphological and morphometric description of two pairs of rare artificial F1 hybrids from parentals of species belonging to the genus Dynastes MacLeay (Coleoptera, Scarabaeideae, Dynastinae, Dynastini) - Two pairs of artificial rare F1 hybrids - Dynastes hercules Linnaeus x Dynastes neptunus Quensel in Schönherr (Hybr 1), and Dynastes satanas Moser x Dynastes hyllus Chevrolat (Hybr 2) - together with their tegmina, are described, illustrated and morphologically and morphometrically compared to specimens having similar length and complexion belonging to the parental taxa. Hybr 1 and Hybr 2 exhibit intermediate characters between the parental species, or prevalent characters of one of the parental species. Hybr 1 and Hybr 2 are unique.