Thursday, March 7, 2019

N. 64: L. Fancello & P. Magrini

G. it. Ent., 15 (64): 289-304
March 2019

Le Langelandia Aubé, 1842
del sottogenere Fleischerella Reitter, 1911
presenti in Sardegna, con descrizione di una nuova specie
(Coleoptera, Zopheridae)



Abstract - The Langelandia Aubé, 1842 of the subgenus Fleischerella Reitter, 1911 from Sardinia, with description of a new species (Coleoptera, Zopheridae) - An updated list of the Langelandia species of the subgenus Fleischerella from Sardinia and a key to the known Sardinian taxa are given. Some aspects of the biogeography of the endogean Sardinian Zopheridae are also discussed. Finally, the Authors describe Langelandia (Fleischerella) pseudoexigua n. sp. from Sardinia (type locality: Galtellì, Nuoro province). The new species is easily distinguished from the others belonging to the same subgenus for the concomitant presence of the following characteristics: pronotum (in dorsal view) with 4 distinct fossae (2 on each side) and with distinct lateral costae; elytra elongate, parallel-sided, with 1 costa very distinctly elevated between striae 2 and 3, protruding forwards as basal tubercle; presence of 2 striae between the dorsal costa and the false lateral margin of elytra (in dorsal view).