Thursday, March 7, 2019

N. 64: L. Bartolozzi

G. it. Ent., 15 (64): 247-254
March 2019

Contribution to the knowledge of the Brentidae
of the Philippines:
remarks on the genera Eupeithes Senna, 1898
and Hopliterrhynchus Senna, 1892,
with description of a new genus
(Coleoptera: Brentidae: Brentinae: Arrhenodini)



Abstract - Several specimens from recently collected brentid material from the Philippines, preserved in the collections of the Natural History Museum of the University of Florence, were studied. The genera Eupeithes Senna, 1898 and Hopliterrhynchus Senna, 1892 are briefly revised and illustrated. The new genus Mantilleria is created (type species: Hopliterrhynchus bicolor Damoiseau, 1989), for two species previously included in the genus Hopliterrhynchus.