Thursday, March 7, 2019

N. 64: L. Diotti, R. Caldara & J. Krátký

G. it. Ent., 15 (64): 241-246
March 2019

On the distributions of
Cotaster cuneipennis (Aubé, 1850) and
C. speziai Diotti et al., 2015
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cossoninae)



Abstract - New distributional data of C. cuneipennis (Aubé, 1850) and C. speziai Diotti, Pesarini & Caldara, 2015 are here presented and mapped. The known ranges of both species are significantly modified. Actually, C. speziai, reported only from north-eastern Italy, Austria and southern Germany on the basis of the type specimens, is widely distributed in central Europe to south-eastern Poland, and it is there the unique known species of the genus. On the contrary, the distribution of C. cuneipennis is more limited than previously recorded, and mainly restricted to the Alps and the Balkans. The two species are sympatric only in a narrow area of north-eastern Italy, southern Germany, southern Austria and Slovenia; however, in no locality the two species seem to cohabit.