G. it. Ent., 15 (64): 391-400
March 2019
Sulla posizione sistematica di
Typhloreicheia bavierai Magrini, Degiovanni & Petrioli, 2010
con istituzione di un nuovo genere siciliano
(Coleoptera, Carabidae, Scaritinae, Clivinini)
Abstract - On the systematic position of Typhloreicheia bavierai Magrini, Degiovanni & Petrioli, 2010 with establishment of a new Sicilian genus (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Scaritinae, Clivinini) - Based on new morphological studies, Typhloreicheia bavierai Magrini, Degiovanni & Petrioli, 2010, Sicilian endemism restricted to the cave Grotta del Sughero (Scopello, Trapani), is considered foreign to the genus Typhloreicheia Holdhaus, 1924, and assigned to the new, monospecific genus Sikelioreicheia Magrini & Fancello gen. nov. [Sikelioreicheia bavierai (Magrini, Degiovanni & Petrioli, 2010) comb. nov.]. For the presence on the pronotum of a median longitudinal sulcus vanished backwards, and of a distinct prebasal border slightly curved at middle and separate from the median longitudinal sulcus, the new genus is considered closer to Reicheia Saulcy, 1862 rather than Typhloreicheia. Other useful characteristic to isolate Sikelioreicheia from Reicheia and Typhloreicheia is the marginal elytral hollow, in the first very flattened, long, and especially starting at the base of the 4th stria, rather than 5th; the complete anophthalmia and the extreme flattening of the body (important by a diagnostic, but not phyletic point of view) further characterize the new genus.