Wednesday, March 21, 2018

N. 63: V. Monzini

G. it. Ent., 15 (63): 105-110
March 2018

Stomis philospelaeus, nuova specie di Slovenia
(Coleoptera Carabidae) 



Abstract - Stomis philospelaeus, new species from Slovenia (Coleoptera Carabidae) - A new species of Stomis Clairville, 1806 is described, type locality the Tarnova Forest (Trnovski Gozd) in Slovenia, on the karstic highlands to the east of the Isonzo River, bordering on the Trieste karstic lowlands to the west, and on the Istrian peninsula to the south. The new species belongs to the group of Stomis rostratus (Sturm in DUFTSCHMID, 1812), being its south-eastern vicariant. It is distinguished for its smaller size, the slender and convex habitus, the absence of the scutellar setigerous pores, the different microsculture and other exoskeletal and aedeagal characteristics. Some specimens from other parts of Slovenia attributable to the Stomis rostratus group are also considered and commented by a taxonomic and distributive point of view.