Tuesday, March 3, 2020

N. 65: P. Magrini, A. Petrioli, L. Colacurcio, A. Benelli & A. Degiovanni

G. it. Ent., 15 (65): 631-656
March 2020

Quattro nuovi Carabidi anoftalmi della Sicilia,
di cui tre sintopici
(Coleoptera, Carabidae, Scaritinae e Trechinae)



Abstract - Four new anophthalmous Carabids from Sicily, of which three syntopic (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Scaritinae and Trechinae) - Four new anophthalmous Carabids are described from Sicily, three of them are syntopic: Typhloreicheia sanctaerosaliae n. sp. from  Mount San Calogero (Palermo), belonging to the praecox group (sensu MAGRINI & BAVIERA, 2011), at present the largest species of the same, characterized by an aedeagus with large, short, broad, slightly bent downwards apex; T. aliciae n. sp., syntopic with the previous one, and belonging to the same group, easily distinguishable from the latter and the geographically close T. binaghii binaghii Casale, 1985 from the Madonie and T. baudii (Ragusa, 1883) from Ficuzza (Palermo) for various characteristics and particularly the peculiar copulatory lamella of the aedeagus; T. patronitii n. sp., third taxon of the genus described from the Nebrodi (Rocche del Crasto, Alcara li Fusi, Messina), characterized by a copulatory lamella of the aedeagus with the shape of a rosette of large laminar denticles; Duvalius paladinii n. sp., again from Mount San Calogero (Palermo), based on a single female, small-sized, with poor morphological specialization, slender habitus, and marked pubescence of the temples, for which it is attributable to the siculus group.